Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Has it been *THAT* long?


I don't think that I have many blog readers, but still. I mean, has it really been that long since the last time I posted. I guess my first clue was that I had to update to the new blogger and hadn't even known it had changed!

There is so much to write about!! But, honestly, I don't feel like getting all mushy gushy. So just the basics for today. And I *will* be back tomorrow to blog. That's my new year's resolution - to take it one day at a time. I figure I better stick with something that I can stick to. LOL

My birthday is on Thursday! *bows* haha Just another year.

The biggest news is that my little baby will be 6 on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did she get so old already??? I guess I should be asking how *I* got this old.... LOL She has become quite the little lady...lipstick, stylish hair-dos, and spunky clothes. *sigh* Yes, my little girl is growing up.

I am excited as I watch her grow. She is so smart and learns so much everyday! She can take a new word and learn it in just a few hours - and she uses it and astounds us all. LOL The latest is edible. She just loves that word. Ahh, how I love my little peanut.

No success with the baby making as of yet. We have been actively trying since June and nothing yet. I am sure you will hear my screaming from the rooftops as soon as we get a positive. hehe

Welp, it's been a long time, but I have to get back to work. I will have to blog again tonight to fill you all in. Or I may just wait until tomorrow.

I am going to *LIVE* my life. Enjoy each day!! Especially these last few days of Bayleigh being 5. *sniff*