Thursday, July 21, 2005

Another day...

Yep, another day of being completely exhausted!! What the heck is going on with me?? I so ready for this to be over. If I could just get my butt in bed before midnight that would be a miracle and would probably help me immensely. I don't know why I feel the need to stay up so late. *shrugs*

I worked for 4.5 hours at the clinic today. And I go in again in the morning for some more hours. *sigh* I wish I could call in tomorrow, but I need to get as many hours as I can. And considering the director from my college will be there next week, I better make sure I end the week on a good note. At least I will be done and can come home and take a nap in the midafternoon.

I am going to a crop tomorrow. :) I haven't been in so long, so it should be a nice time. I just hope this tiredness wears off and I can get some good creative juices flowing. I will get to see the lss owner and find out what she ordered from CHA. Woo hooo....I am sure lots of goodies.

Happy Friday everyone!!

1 comment:

Trace Clements said...

Did you take a test yet? you should, just to ease your fears.

If you don't and are still tired, I would suggest seeing the doctor. You may be anemic and need iron or he may want to find out what is causing the could be a number of things.

Take care hon.