Saturday, January 09, 2010

what a day!

It has been a really horrible day. I mean, REALLY HORRIBLE. I think I am still in shock at the day that we had in the Wildes household. Oy! It always seems to happen when Andy is out of town and I get no reprieve from the kids and all their FREAKING bickering. Seriously?? Seriously. I had my children 7 years apart, but you would never know it! They "fight" like tormenting the other until screeches from the little and laughter from the big is all I hear. Oh. My. Goodness. What a day! I am going to put the older one in her bed and dance neked around my living room. No, not really....but, I should! :)

Can't wait until this day of whines and cries is behind us!

Onto happier times! :) hehe

More Christmas pictures... We always sit down as a family, by the fire, on Christmas Eve and Andy reads the story of Jesus' birth from the Bible aloud. Always such a special time for our family to focus on what we are celebrating!

The stockings were hung all full of treats....

The presents were wrapped and placed with care....

And the kids woke up and stood in wonder as they checked it all out:
I think that picture is my favorite from Christmas day...really. It is. I love how Bayleigh is just standing there looking, but still watching out for her baby brother. And that is just so Layne right now! Bed head. Dragging his lovie everywhere. Standing back to observe. So adorable!! Love, love, love this one! I will cherish it all of my days!
I hope that you had a better day than I. I will be back with more pictures soon!! :) Love to add a little at a time - gives me something to blog about for awhile. heehee
Ohhhhh and check out the kit at Little Red Scrapbook - pure yumminess!! And I plan to indulge myself tonight with it. :)
Until next time...


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