Life at the Wildes' casa has been INSANE lately!!!
We have:
* sent Bayleigh to her first sleepover camp! (EEEKKKK!!)
* did a 2-week stint of swimming lessons
* went and visited the in-laws twice
* survived planning and executing Vacation Bible School at church
* celebrated the 4th of july - and now I must note that Layne is OBSESSED with fireworks now
* said goodbye to our favorite Jeep after 10 years (forced goodbyes are the most paintful *wink*)
* purchased a new truck
* shopped for a new truck (need I say more?!?!?!?)
I have:
* worked out every week for 8 weeks
* lost 14 pounds *big HUGE grin*
We are feverishly packing to go on our annual lake vacation tomorrow. Most of the big stuff is done....just doing the last minute stuff! And listening to Layne hit his terrible twos in stride! Oyyy, I am so *NOT* ready for this. hehe
I have some pics to share...and then I have to commence the packing once again. *dry heave*
We have spent LOTS of time in the water this summer. It has been soooo hot. Unbearably hot, really. The humidity is stifling and we just go out for about 45 minutes and are done for the day.

Hope that you have a great weekend....we will be back next week from our vacation! I am sure I will have many updates to share then. :)
Until next time....