Saturday we went and helped get ready for Fellowship Baptist Church's Harvest Festival. I sat and hung doughnuts on a string for a few hours..hahaha Andy helped lift palates of hay and other heavy stuff...because that is what boys do. Bayleigh ate candy that we had collected to hand out....because that is what little girls do. And Layne sat in his stroller and took it all in.
We came home to watch the Gators stomp the Kentucky Wildcats!! wooo hooooo - lovin' me some Gator football. :)
Then, off we went to the pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkins for the year. Here in Florida, we can't get them too soon or they implode. Yeah, eww. Not fun picking up a squishy, stinky pumpkin from the front porch. Been there. Done that. Enough said. Seriously.
Yesterday was church...and then the Harvest Festival. We had a great time!!! Andy and I served chili for over an hour - I swear we probably handed out a hundred pounds of chili. There were record numbers there. And this year, with the economy in a mess and tight budget $$, we were on limited funds. We did more this year than done before and more people came than have ever come before. I tell's amazing what the Lord can do when you hand things over to Him.
It was a great weekend, but I sure am glad that it is Monday. :) Time to get my house back in order and start another week.
It won't be long until we go home for Thanksgiving and I can't wait. I haven't been "home" since Christmas of last year. Crazy! And my dad and brother have yet to meet Layne. Seriously. It's time for some good old mama love. LOL
Off to do some laundry and get back to it while the boys nap.
Until next time.
love those pictures. thank you for stopping by my blog
Sounds like you had an eventful weekend! I bet you are glad to slow down maybe a little! Thanks for sharing the pics!
Thanks so much for your comment on my blog. I will keep that in mind, cuz I will definitely need support if he does go off to work. It'll just be different since we have never been apart, always to around to help each other out. Thanks again!
I love your pumpkin patch pictures! Looks like you had a good time! Glad you all got out together and had a great weekend :)
Love those pictures of your two cuties, that green shirt that L is wearing is going to make for some good fall layouts!
What a fun weekend!! Looks like you had a great time!! Your kids are adorable!!
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